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Divorce Application Form Nsw

Divorce Application Form Nsw

Divorce Application Form Nsw

Divorce Application Form Nsw – 1 Divorce application – Form 3 submitted. Customer ID Federal Magistrates Court of Australia Family File of Australia Family Court of Western Australia File in court Use court space only. Divorce applications (and some accompanying documents) can now be submitted electronically through the Commonwealth Court Portal (for more information, see User Guidelines for Divorce in Family Law, available at Court Day at Court Time Part 1. Who / Who is the hearing program You may be required to attend Page D Divorce Pack 2b If yes, do you need an interpreter at the hearing? ) If yes State and dialect Language If yes Language and dialect: Part B 3. Last name as currently used 4. Full name and 5. Date of birth (dd / mm / yy) 6. Country Birth 7. If born outside Australia Date of Residence Australia (Day / Month / Year) 8. What is your profession? / / / / / / / / / Page 1 of 7

2 9. Home Address If you have security concerns, you do not need to provide your home address. Page C Divorce Collection 10: Service Address Page D Divorce Collection If you do not have your spouse’s service address and have taken all reasonable steps to locate it, please enter unknown. Page D Lawyer Name Divorce Package (if any) Phone () Phone () Same address Same address Address address Attorney address (below) Attorney address (below) Other address (below) Other address (below) ) Name of Legal Institution (if applicable) Lawyer Code (if possible) Telephone () () Fax () () DX Part C 11. Confirm Yes for each statement below. Divorce Package Page /. His home and intends to live in Australia indefinitely (b) be an Australian citizen by birth or origin (c) be an Australian citizen by virtue of Australian citizenship (d) normally live in Australia and have done so 12 months before submitting this document. . Eligibility to apply Page 2 of 7

Divorce Application Form Nsw

Divorce Application Form Nsw

3 Section D Marriage and Separation 12. Date and place of marriage on your marriage certificate (dd / mm / yy) Pages E & F Divorce set 13. Full names of both parties as stated in the marriage certificate 14. Date of Separation (dd / mm / yy) Page F City / Town Divorce Collection Collection 15a. Do you think marriage should end on the day of separation? Page F Divorce Collection 15 b. If you answered no to question 15 (a), what date do you consider the marriage to end? (Day / Month / Year) 16 a. You and your spouse have been living in the same house since the day we separated, but not as a couple. 16 b. If you answered yes to question 16 (a), list the dates for each period in which you and your spouse lived together in the same home after the separation. (Day / Month / Year) If you rely on any of the periods listed here as part of a 12-month allotment, go to page F Divorce Collection. // From // // to // 17a. You and your spouse have been living together since the day you separated. 17 b. If you answered yes to question 17 (a), list the date you and your spouse lived together as a couple. (Day / Month / Year) If you rely on any of the periods listed here as part of a 12-month allotment, go to page G Divorce Compilation. // from // // from //////// 18. Do you think it is likely that you and your spouse will live together again as a couple? If so, go to Page G Divorce Collection. 19. Have you been married for less than two years on the date of this application? If so, go to Page G Divorce Collection. Page 3 of 7

Cremation Certificate Nsw

4 Section E Other Court Cases 20. Are there current or pending family law child support cases, domestic violence, or child welfare cases in this court or other courts involving any party and / or child named? In this application? Name of the court and place of the next court hearing // Name of parties and / or children Summary of current or pending case If yes, please provide the following details for each current or pending case. Link additional pages if necessary. 21. Are there court orders, parental planning agreements, or commitments related to family law, child support, domestic violence, or child welfare related to any party and / or child named in this application? For each item, please provide the following details: Attach additional pages if necessary. Name and place of the court (if any) Name of the party and / or child Details of the order, parental planning agreement or commitment on the child F 22. What are currently the children under the age of 18: (a) you and You children are husbands? (B) You were considered a member of your family when you and your spouse separated. Page G Divorce Package If you answered no to both questions 22 (a) and (b), go to section G and delete pages 5-6 if you answered yes to questions 22 (a) or (b). ) Please enter the total. Of children.

5 Children 1 Name 24. Name of father 25. Name of mother 26. Who do you live with? 27. Child Address If the child lives with more than one address, enter both. If you have security concerns, you do not need to provide your residential address. Page C Divorce Package Address 1 Address 1 Address 2 Address Current details of the child and contact with child financial assistance Health education 29. Do you plan to make any changes to these current arrangements? If yes, please attach an additional page detailing the planned material changes. If yes, please attach an additional page detailing the planned material changes. Page 5 of 7

Child 6 Child 3 Child name 31. Father’s name 32. Mother’s name 33. Who do you live with? 34. Child Address If the child lives with more than one address, enter both addresses. If you have security concerns, you do not need to provide your residential address. Page C Address Divorce Package 1 Address 1 Address 2 Address Current details of the child and contact with child financial assistance Health education 36. Do you plan to make any changes to these current arrangements? If yes, please attach an additional page detailing the planned material changes. If yes, please attach an additional page detailing the planned material changes. Page 6 of 7

7 Part G Applicant’s Testimony You must not swear or confirm this certification unless: If you are applying as a sole applicant, you only need to sign your section of certification. You should not ask or arrange for your spouse to sign his or her part of the statement. If you are applying for marriage, each person must sign their part of the certificate. You can do this at different times and in the presence of different witnesses or in the presence of the same witness. I swear / confirm: 1. I am the applicant. 2. I read this program. 3. The fact that I have personal knowledge is true. 4. All other facts are true to my best knowledge, information and beliefs. I swear / confirm: 1. I am the applicant. 2. I read this program. 3. The fact that I have personal knowledge is true. 4. All other facts are true to my best knowledge, information and beliefs. Signature Place Signature Before Me (Signature of Witness) Before Me (Signature of Witness) Witness Full Name (Printed Name) Lawyer of Peace Witness Full Name (Printed Name) Lawyer of Peace Part H Attorney Statement If you are a representative You do not have to sign this section yourself. However, make sure you get a copy of the marriage, family, and divorce information booklet. The registrar will give you a copy when you submit your request. If an attorney represents you for this application, your attorney must provide you with a copy of the marriage, family, and divorce books and complete and sign the following statement. I gave you the applicant a copy of the marriage book,

Registration For Divorce Certificate

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